Addresses Not Found in High Traffic

My sister found herself a new downloading hobby and I was not planning to be the hobby killer until everything became inaccessible for both of us. She’s heavily downloading recently, I’m not sure about the material but it’s  high load. Pages were coming slower on my side as it was expected and I’m not saying I have a wide bandwidth but overall bottleneck was not just the slower uploads or downloads.

UDP 53, what’s wrong there?

I started to recognize a pattern. My downloads were even more slower because resolving was failing miserably every time I try. I was not even able to resolve domain names to IP addresses. Had to check myself what might cause this problem. As a quick note, if your local DNS cache (managed by operating systems) doesn’t have a record of the domain name you’re trying to visit, you make a request to one of the nearby DNS servers to return the associated IP. If your nearby server doesn’t have that record, it asks to root servers etc. Most of my reader audience knows the story well. This communication is made on UDP port 53. UDP is a connectionless way to transmit data. Unlike TCP, you don’t have to spend time on three-way-handshakes to make a proper connection that both of the sides are aware of. But if your packets get lost, nobody is responsible. It’s like playing a game, many tradeoffs similar to every engineering issue.

I gently asked my sister to stop a while, and started receive not timed-out UDP answers back. Resolving problem was fixed. But I had to be convinced that UDP is the best ever been chosen from. I understood the fact the essential parameter was latency. We have to be fast, faster and fastest as possible. Wanted to take time back to understand why it is designed this way and my problem appeared with a solution in milliseconds.

Why DNS is using UDP?

Reliability versus fastness. Remind the rule. If you don’t have the address, ask a nearby name server. Is it implicitly saying “Don’t go too far.”? Probably it is. You’re not on a very reliable connection and if your traffic load is very high, there will be many conjunctions, long delays and large jitters. My dns requests most probably couldn’t even making it to the name server. And since my ISP’s name servers are not reliable, I was using OpenDNS. Translation: I was far far far away from the source.

I fixed the issue. Even crazy downloading is again on, my domains are resolving rapidly at the moment. I’m extremely happy. If you’re using OpenDNS at office or LANs which have more than 20+ clients, make yourself a favor and set up a local name server today.

4 thoughts on “Addresses Not Found in High Traffic

  1. Hi Burcu;
    It seems you have lot s of idea to understand what was the problem and how it should be solve.
    Now, I’d like to ask you that how can I set up local name server. I’m in same conditions, we have a LAN in home and I’m sharing connection with one pc. It’s terrible when it started to download. We also using OpenDNS…
    Could you please advice…

  2. We had a med-level desktop machine, which was running Debian. I was using the machine for general purposes if needed — as a web server generally. I installed djbdns components and transformed it into a stand-alone name server which is supported with dedicated bandwidth. We only have 4 nodes at home including this server and usually 2 machines are being used actively. Your setup may range depending on your needs. So, it’s very hard to help you through this comments section.

  3. I had the same problem because of opendns latency. (you know the youtube issue) Now I don’t have name resolution problems but I can’t open the youtube. I will solve this issue in a very basic way, with windows hosts file.

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